11 Jan Upstate Headlines: Greenville lands in the New York Post
A collection of the top Upstate headlines for the week of January 10, 2017
Greenville lands in the New York Post
Greenville’s breweries, restaurants and GHS Swamp Rabbit Trail have garnered some snark-filled attention from the New York Post. After noting some of the lesser attractive Greenville attributes, writer Chris Bunting concludes, “Greenville’s done an exhaustive job dolling up its north/south-split main drag with boutique shops, exotic eateries, craft beer bars, performance spaces, a no-joke distillery, a Segway livery stable — all magically preventing the town’s official (and easily derisible) tourism tagline ‘Yeah, THAT Greenville’ from skewing sarcastic.”
Clemson schedules parade to honor national champions
Clemson celebrated its football national championship with a welcome-home gathering Tuesday and will hold a parade later in the week. The Tigers arrived at Memorial Stadium around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday to thousands of fans. A parade and stadium celebration will take place Saturday. The parade will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at the WestZone of the stadium. The Tigers topped Alabama 35-31 on Monday in Tampa, Fla., to win their first national title since 1981.
GSP unveils new event center in main terminal
Business and community groups in the Upstate will soon have a new venue for meetings, presentations, classes and other events. Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport on Wednesday unveiled a new 1,734-square-foot event center adjacent to its ticketing lobby as the most recent addition to its $125 million main terminal renovation called Project WINGSPAN.
State plans controlled burns at Upstate parks to prevent wildfires
The Beautiful Places Alliance, a Columbia-based nonprofit, has been awarded $35,000 from the Duke Energy Foundation to help the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism conduct controlled burns at several state parks in the Upstate. “These parks have seen 75 years of fire suppression with years of accumulated combustible fuels,” said Duane Parrish, director of the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism. “Controlled burns help us remain committed to the stewardship of our natural communities and the service we provide to park visitors.”
Spartanburg BMW plant sets production record in 2016
Spartanburg County-based BMW Manufacturing Co. set a new vehicle production record in 2016 — the third consecutive year the local plant has increased its output. The company said it produced 411,171 X models, a nearly 2.6 percent increase compared with 2015’s tally of 400,904. It maintained its position as the largest BMW plant in the world. Based on its current production, the plant could hit its 4 millionth vehicle milestone in 2017.