Creating a Culture of Caring for 2019

Creating a Culture of Caring for 2019

At Caine, we focus on helping our clients find a happy and safe place to call home. We believe a home base where you feel loved and protected is vital to a fulfilling life. It only makes sense that our Realtors® and staff would have a heart for serving those in need.

Our Caine Cares program focuses on four key areas of need across the Upstate: health and wellness, the arts, animal welfare, and human services. These focus areas reinforce our true values by creating a well-established culture of giving at the corporate and individual level. 

As we look back on 2018, we are proud of how our company grew in its service to our community. Members of our Caine family volunteered a total of 10,248 hours last year – that’s 854 hours per month! Those hours were spent volunteering at over 80 organizations across the upstate and serving on over 51 boards. Ninety-nine people in our company volunteer locally, and 73 of those 99 volunteers are involved in two or more organizations.

When we asked our Caine family why it was so important to them to give back, we received powerful responses:

“It is important to give back to and invest in the local community in order for growth and change to occur. Change cannot happen without willing and able bodies to initiate and execute that transformation. Volunteering is the foundation for that involvement.”

“Not only does it help others, but also it inspires others to care. And if everyone gives just a little time, it adds up to make a huge difference in the lives of people and animals.” 

“When we’ve been richly blessed, we have a greater responsibility to bless and enrich the lives of others. Sometimes this is through financial means but also, the responsibility is through investing time and enrichment in others.”

We love the Upstate. Which is why we hope to see those numbers continue to grow in 2019! Join us in giving back to the community that has been so generous to us. #CaineCares
