11 Nov Caine Halter and the Lungs4Life 5k
This weekend the Caine Companies “Team with Caine” will participate in the fourth annual Lungs4Life 5k. No doubt it’s going to be a great time building company unity while supporting a worthy cause and enjoying a beautiful day together. But that’s not why we’ll be there.
Tomorrow we’re running or walking to honor the memory one of the key individuals of the Caine Companies and to show our love and support to his family.
Caine Halter was a third generation executive of the Caine Companies. He was involved in many real estate organizations both in this community and nationally and was instrumental in furthering the Caine name in the Greenville real estate community. In 2006, he was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer – an event that, while shocking to anyone, was especially unexpected to Caine, a physically fit, mid-forties, non-smoker. But his commitment to life, his strong faith and his never-ending positive attitude enabled him to fight hard for the next 13-months.
Because of the limited research on the type of cancer Caine had, his treatment options were limited. The Lungs4Life event began as he and his family realized the need for awareness of the disease and funds for research to find a cure. October of 2007 was the first year for the 5k run/walk. Caine planned to be there but lost his battle with cancer on August 10.
“Caine celebrated life and approached everything — including his cancer – with incredible strength, amazing faith and remarkable grace. He was the loving father of teenagers, Caine Jr. and Page. He was completely devoted to his wife, Laurie, who was the love of his life. He was a loving son, caring brother and lifelong friend.”*
Many at the Caine Companies stood by as Caine’s battle for life unfolded. For those, the Lungs4Life event is a way to celebrate and honor the life of a respected business leader, a colleague and most of all, a friend. Some have joined the company since and while they may not have known Caine personally, it’s impossible to miss his influence and legacy in every part of the business.
“Caine realized each day was a gift, and he greeted it with joy and excitement. His tremendous heart, positive attitude and generous spirit guided him day by day. He taught us all lessons of hope by the way he lived his life and fought this battle.”* Tomorrow as we lace up our shoes and gather at the starting line to support a cause and raise awareness, the Caine Companies will be there to celebrate a legacy that has touched us all.