11 Feb 8 Reasons to Celebrate in February
The last month of winter is here! Though the weather may be rainy and dreary, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate in February. Take some time out to do something fun for each of these occasions.
American Heart Month
Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States? The good news is that it can be prevented by making healthy choices. Prioritize your health and try some of these easy and realistic ways to be healthier this February. We also invite you to walk with us at the American Heart Association’s Upstate Heart Walk on Saturday, April 11. Click here to register or make a donation.
Black History Month
February is the perfect time to seek out stories and histories of the black community. Celebrate by supporting a Black business, donating to a Black organization, reading a book by a Black author, or reading Dr. King’s I Have a Dream Speech, exploring Black music. These are just a few examples. Click here to see 23 other ways to celebrate Black History Month.
Valentine’s Day (February 14)
This celebration of romantic love is what comes to mind for many when the calendar flips to February. It originated as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus. Since then, it has evolved into a time to exchange greeting cards, sweets, and flowers with significant others. Though the emphasis is often romance, this day is a great time to celebrate all of the loved ones in your life!
Presidents’ Day (February 17)
Each year we celebrate our nation’s leaders on George Washington’s birthday, now known as Presidents’ Day. One fun way to honor some of the greats is by eating their favorite foods! Take on a Kentucky-inspired menu like Abraham Lincoln enjoyed with cornbread, venison, eggs, and bacon, or eat like George Washington with a meal centered around fish with spice cake or fruit pie for dessert.
Random Acts of Kindness Week (February 16-23)
During the third week of the month, focus on spreading kindness! Psychiatrists say it is good for your heart, helps you live longer, makes you happier, and fuels your self-esteem. A few examples are sending an encouraging email, paying for someone’s coffee, gifting an inspirational book, and writing a handwritten note.
National Margarita Day (February 22)
The margarita first gained popularity during Prohibition as people ventured across the border for alcohol. Today, there are many different flavors and variations of this popular drink. On February 22nd, grab some friends and some tacos, put on “Margaritaville,” and cheers to National Margarita Day.
Mardi Gras (February 25)
Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is the practice of the last night of eating rich, fatty foods before fasting for Lent. The celebration has become so large in New Orleans, Louisiana that the event and the city have become synonymous. To honor the tradition locally, eat a feast, bake a King Cake, make beignets, wear the official colors of Mardi Gras (green, gold, and purple), or head to a cajun restaurant.
Leap Day (February 29)
This day only occurs once every four years, to account for the Earth’s orbital rotation of the Sun taking 6 hours longer than 365 days. Adding February 29th to the calendar every four years ensures that seasons, equinoxes, and solstices stay on track. How will you spend the extra day? Fun fact: In some countries, Leap Day is also known as Bachelor’s Day, where women can propose marriage to men. If the man refuses, he is obliged to give the woman money or buy her a dress!
We hope you have a wonderful February and beyond!