Real Estate Galleries: serving the community and our agents

Real Estate Galleries: serving the community and our agents

Coldwell Banker Caine addressed the changing scene of real estate and the various technological advances in the industry by introducing the first Real Estate Gallery on Main Street in Greenville back on May 12, 2010. Since then, three more have opened to service Mauldin, Easley and Greer.

Main Street Real Estate Gallery

The spaces serve a dual purpose. First, the locations allow agents to fluidly move throughout their day from meetings with potential homebuyers to visiting properties, without being confined to a corporate office space. Clients or even the casual passerby can visit for general information about the area or ask about a specific property. Each gallery is equipped with modern technological equipment, providing ease of research and access to information, as general or as specific as desired.

Butler Road Real Estate Gallery

Second, the spaces serve as a tribute to their respective communities. The Greenville gallery bears a History Wall, with pictures and a timeline highlighting the company’s and Halter family’s immersion in the Upstate since 1933. Coldwell Banker Caine seeks to reinvest in the neighborhood, specifically in Easley, Greer and Greenville,  by purposefully choosing a location that would contribute to the growth of that particular area. Every quarter, a local artist  is featured on the gallery walls, and a reception is held to honor the artist and welcome guests to admire his or her work.

Please, be our guest at any of the Real Estate Galleries, whether you’re interested in home ownership or would just like to explore the cozy space.