07 Oct Main Street Gallery Artist Interview: George Lee
What got you interested in art?
In my early teens I began drawing and sketching but was never really satisfied with the results versus the concept of what I was trying to express. A long-time friend of the family suggested I try using a camera to express myself instead of pen and ink, and I have been making photographs ever since.
I never took photography classes or had any formal training while in school. It was more of a hobby to express myself and fulfill my artistic side since I had another career path in mind. It was not until I spent a year working in the corporate world that I realized this was not for me, and there had to be a more rewarding way to make a living. So why not try photography.
Over the next few years I worked with a portrait studio, a commercial photographer, and most importantly…the family friend who introduced me to photography in the first place. And for the last 35 years I’ve used those same methods in my commercial and advertising business, as well as my personal work. Never a day goes by that I still don’t learn something new. Life is a metamorphosis.
Can you remember one of the first things you photographed? What makes it memorable?
I’ve always had a passion for trees as the images in this exhibit illustrate. These images have been taken over the course of my career. One of the tree images I made while in college, and another one just a few weeks ago.
Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your works?
While I have favorite subjects like trees, when I’m out shooting I’m not looking for any one thing in particular. Keeping my eyes and mind open it’s amazing what I’ll come a cross, or be inspired by to photograph.
Do you have any other interesting hobbies?
I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors. And I must admit I’m a bit of a gearhead and have always been interested in most anything with a motor. Learning to fly a powered paraglider will be an experience that will always be special.
What, in your opinion, is the hardest step in creating a masterpiece?
Firstly, I wouldn’t refer to my photographs as masterpieces. I try to satisfy myself first and hope others will find an emotional connection as well. That being said, I think for most artists the most difficult step is knowing when to stop.
George Lee is a photographer in Greenville, SC. His work is currently displayed at The Real Estate Gallery at 428 South Main Street, Greenville, SC from Oct 1st – Dec 31st. Please join us October 24th for an Artist Opening from 6pm-8pm. You can also see more and purchase his photography at http://georgeleefineart.com/