17 Jul 3 Steps to Setting Up Your Ideal Home Office
Over the past few months, many office workers have adapted to working from home, and there are predictions that some employers may continue a flexible or completely remote workforce long after the pandemic. If you haven’t already, it may be time to get serious about setting up a home office where you can thrive. That’s right – it’s time to move from the dining room table or the couch to a proper desk and chair. Follow these steps to create your ideal home office.
1. Make a list of what your home office will require.
When it comes to furniture and technology, that may differ depending on your job. Do you need a desk large enough to fit multiple computer monitors? Will you need file cabinets for storage? Is a printer necessary? It’s also important to invest in a quality chair so you feel comfortable throughout the day, and consider your lighting. Studies have shown that daylight improves productivity and alertness so position yourself in an area with a window and natural light. Plus, with better lighting, the better you’ll look on all of those video calls you’ll be doing!
2. Then, you’ll need to decide where your workspace will be.
Three things to keep in mind are:
- Internet connection – No matter what your role is, good Internet service is a must. If possible, opt for an area with access to an Ethernet port, or that’s in close proximity to your modem and router, or consider a range extender, if necessary.
- Separation – If possible, you’ll want to choose a space separate from other areas of your home. Not only does this create a divide mentally of your time on vs. off of the clock, but it also helps create privacy, reduce background noise, and prevents interruptions. Especially if you have family members that are home during the day, being able to shut a door for video calls and focused time is crucial.
- Space – Don’t fret if you don’t have a spare room. If you’re short on square footage, consider a dual-purpose space like a combined guest room and home office.
3. Put it all together, and add personal touches.
Just like you add knick-knacks to your desk at work, don’t forget to incorporate some fun elements in your home office with things like art, family photos, a cool pen cup, or an interesting coffee mug. The more your space fits you, the more motivated and happy you’ll be working there.
Last but not least, with the increase in video calls, consider your backdrop. Be mindful of what might be seen behind you, and set the tone for meetings and client calls with a professional look. In real estate, we call that staging.