14 Jul Meet The Artist: Marcy Yerkes
Each quarter, we display work from a different local artist at our Main Street Real Estate Gallery. Our newest featured artist is Marcy Yerkes. To learn a little more about Marcy, we asked her some questions about her work.
Explain the process you go through for your work. What draws you to the mediums you choose?
I was trained as an illustrator and use several resources from my photographs or the internet. I sometimes prepare several preliminary sketches in order to work out the composition (arranging objects on the page pleasing to the eye) and tone my canvases before painting with a dark gold tone. I use water soluble crayons to draw from my sketches and photos, which can easily be wiped with a wet cloth and blend well into the paints. I paint the background first and often work on four paintings at the same time. When the background has dried, I start with the foreground and continuously work more detail over the entire painting. I stay away from my paintings for several days to take photographs to see more clearly the areas that need to be improved.
What piqued your interest in art?
As a small child, I had an eye defect. I was very cross-eyed and wore bifocals and eye patches to correct my vision. My parents were afraid of an operation. So with continuous eye exercises observing objects and drawing, my sight was corrected. I continued to draw what I observed on the farm…my saddles, animals, and people from National Geographic only in pencil. I was a self-taught artist, but after working with Allan Mactaggert at Lander University, I was inspired to major in Fine Arts with a minor in Illustration. He sent me to Parsons School of Design, where he was a graduate for finishing courses in Illustration.
How would you describe your style of art?
Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
My travels throughout the countryside and wildlife inspire my work. My hope and desire is to record this beautiful earth through my paintings and tell stories.
What’s your favorite piece of your own work?
My paintings are all my favorites, but “Conversations with Cows” came from a dream, when I use to lay in the pasture for hours, eat grass and look at the clouds in the sky. The herd of cows would surround me. They are very curious animals, but think they are two inches tall. I would jump up and scare them only to see them run away. That was so mean, but they loved it!
What’s an interesting fact about you or your work?
I am a farm girl and was privileged to work on a livestock farm and learn many lessons through hardship and challenges. When my family lost all of our farms, we had each other, and I had my escape in painting.
What famous artist do you most admire?
My favorite artists are Normal Rockwell and N.C. Wyeth. They both worked very hard at their professions as artists who told stories through their paintings. They are my heroes. N.C. Wyeth not only illustrated books of the classics, but his murals were heavenly and magical!
To learn more about Marcy Yerkes, visit her website.
Come meet Marcy Yerkes at our Artist Reception on July 21st from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Main Street Real Estate Gallery. Marcy’s art will be on display at the gallery from July 1 – September 30.