06 Jul Meet The Artist: Kiah Bellows
Each quarter, we display work from a different local artist at our Main Street Real Estate Gallery. Our newest featured artist is Kiah Bellows. To learn a little more about Kiah, we asked her some questions about her work.
1. What piqued your interest in art?
Both of my parents have always been interested in art and fine craftsmanship. I grew up surrounded by it, whether in the form of attending art shows or working on a project, be that painting or working with my hands using tools constructing something.
2. How would you describe your style of art?
Abstract with representational elements.
3. Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your work?
The landscape and things that make bold impacts in my life. I translate that into my work.
4. What’s your favorite piece of your own work?
Usually the piece or series I am currently working on. As we grow and change as humans, the works grows and changes.
5. What’s an interesting fact about you or your work?
I love working on the floor, pouring paint, scraping away, scribbling, scrubbing… sometimes moping the paint onto the canvas.
6. What famous artist do you most admire?
Wolf Kahn, Anna Schuleit, Brian Rutenberg, Richard Diebenkorn, J.M.W. Turner, Helen Frankenthaler… the list goes on.
To learn more about Kiah Bellows, visit her website.
Come meet Kiah Bellows at our Artist Reception on July 27th from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Main Street Real Estate Gallery. Kiah’s art will be on display at the gallery from July – September.